Well I voted today. I was excited and have my own political views as does everyone else. I will be glad after tonight is over. I am so sick and tired of people throwing their political beliefs onto others. I have quit reading blogs because people are so ridiculous with this. I understand being passionate, but I am so tired of people of thinking that some are "uneducated" and "not informed about politics" because they don't agree with their beliefs. Get off your high horses people! Everyone has their own views. Not one party is all right or all wrong. We are all Americans. Get over yourself and pushing your views onto others!! Ok...I'm done now.:)
6 years ago
Not to mention we are not looked down upon by God because of who we voted for. We should all praise Him for giving us the opportunity to be able to make our own decision.
AMEN SISTER!!! Preach it girlfriend! I am also sick of people throwing certain topics up in the air about candidates and implying that they are un-godly because of such views. There isn't a politician out there that is perfect in every way - one candidate might vote pro-choice - which some would say goes against one of the 10 commandments (murder), yet another lines their pockets with taxpayers money going against another one of the 10 commandments (stealing), and let's not even talk about adultery, keeping the sabbath holy, coveting your neighbor's wife/house and all the other 10 commandments. In God's eyes each of these sins are no better than another - they are all the same!
In the end, it's God who will be the ultimate deciding vote - whoever is voted into office will be there because that is what God wants for this country and it's up to us to pray for our leaders.
I have to say that although I found many parts of this election interesting (especially voting and early voting), I was let down by the missed opportunities for productive dialogue between the people.
Good point Heidi! Whatever happened to a friendly debate?
i so agree with your blog girl! i am glad that it is over... and i refuse to read anymore bs about the election and outcome!... we live in AMERICA for crying out loud! WE ARE FREE TO VOTE FOR WHOMEVER WE CHOOSE, young or old, black or white, rich or poor and we shouldn't be made to feel ashamed for that freedom!
i feel a tangent coming on, so i will leave it at that.
thanks for your post! :)
Thanks Misty!!
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