Wow. It is amazing how things change so quickly. We are now currently at Riley's Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. (I will tell you how wonderful it is in a minute).
But this is how our day played out yesterday....quite an eventful day I must say!!
8:00 am- I am in the shower heading up to Community Hospital to see Mason
8:02 am- Still in the shower, Scott comes in to tell me Community got Mason a bed at Riley's and they will be there to pick him up in a few hours.
9:15 am- Scott and I arrive at Community to see Mason and get him all set up for transport....also our final visit with Mason's favorite nurse Diane.
9:20 am- Diane fills mom and dad in on transport details......Riley is on the way to get Mason...By Plane!
9:30-11:00 am- Scott and I feeding Mason and filling out a lot of paper work.
11:00 am- Scary people in Top Gun jumpsuits come to say they are there to take my baby! Mason quickly swept away into the Isolette on a Gurney!
11:20 am- Scott and I arrive at Gary Int. Airport to see off our Mason!
11:45 am- Iceman, Maverick, and Goose, all load Mason and his belongings into the plane. (I am crying).
12:00 am- We Have Liftoff! (can you hear the Top Gun music?) Mason is airborne! (only a 35 min plane ride!!)
Okay, so after that I get home, pack up, get a call Mason got there safely (Whew!), load up the car with Reece coming along......2 + hour car ride and Reece talks the entire time!!
Finally get here...get in to see our Mason.....he is still in one piece and as precious as can be!
Of course Reece is bored and cries he wants to go home! Scott takes Reece down the street to a hotel (which Reece told me was gross and old. Oh yeah and there was a big spider in the shower...EEEK!) Thank goodness I stayed with Mason...except no sleep here...Mason had every test under the sun! This would of taken a month at Community!! But Mason slept through the entire night!! Poor baby, tuckered himself out!
Well, coming here turned out to be a blessing....we are finding things out that we didn't know, or they didn't find at Community. I'll post more later.....
6 years ago
Oh, Megan and Scott - what an adventure! I am so sorry that you guys have to go through all of this, sometimes things just don't seem fair! I want you guys to know we are here for you no matter what you need - we are only a phone call away and we have family near by you in Indy who would be willing to bend over backwards to make life a little easier for you guys right now - please don't hesitate to ask!
I am so glad that Mason seems to be at a better place. Growing up in Indy I know how much Riley can be such a blessing to families - they seem to be very thorough and know their stuff so I hope that you guys get the best care and get all the information you need to provide the best care possible for little Mason.
Don't worry about Reece coming back to NWI - he'll be in good care with all his family up here and we'll make sure he's well taken care of. Brian will make sure he gets lots of 4-wheeler rides too :-)and some man time!
Please keep us posted - we'll be praying for you guys, Mason, and all the staff at Riley! When you've had enough and don't think you can take it anymore, just remember that this is all for the good of Mason and that his care will be better by everything you guys are doing for him and the sacrafices you are making. Hang in there!
Megs--I don't know how ya do it--staying strong for your family. (or maybe just acting like it). You know we are here to help and will do anything to help you get thru this w/ Mason. You need to allow us to do more because if you don't, we feel useless. Just ABUSE us already:) We WANT to help. That includes your extended family, church family etc. Everyone has been praying and so far, it seems God has been good, blessing Mason with good health. We've been there for you always and will continue to do so in the future. Mason is our little "Sunny" not "Sonny" because he brings a ray a sunshine to us all.
What an adventure! Was Maverick cute? :-)
You guys are constantly in our thoughts and prayers~esp little Mason. Hang in there and please yell instructions at us. I'm always ready to pick up the dry cleaning. :-)
I remember the people who picked Jason up...they were the actual Medivac people who do "ER". When they got there everyone in the emergency area was busy asking questions about Clooney and I was bawling!!
Please know that you are all in our prayers. Once you get settled and find out how life will look for the next couple of weeks, I'd love to come down and see you all. We are constantly praying for your strength and endurance, and of course, Mason's health.
Your in a good place...take advantage of all they offer.
The God Squad is behind you every step of the way!
I am so glad Mason is in the good hands of the staff at Riley. They have done more for him in one day than any hospital around here would do in a month! Don't worry a thing about Reece. I'll make sure he behaves AND has a great time. All he talks about is how cute his baby is. I couldn't agree more! I can't wait to see him on Saturday. Just let me know what you and Scott need and I'll bring it along. You have to lean on us now. Just doing little mundane things helps us feel useful. You wouldn't want to deprive everyone of that, would you? We love you all so much, we feel honored to help you out!
Hi. Congratulations on the birth of your new son. I came over here via Misty.
I just wanted to say that our Little Boy Blue was in the NICU for 78 days, so I know you can make it through if we did. I saw several babies come into our hospital via Helicopter with all those folks in the jumpsuits and it is much ado! But they always take great care of the babies, and what an adventure it is for them even though they have no idea.
Best of luck to you. I'm going to add you to my bloglines as we have a common bond in our little ones.
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